“You’ve been coaching other people; why don't you go get a coach.” Ultimately were the words that led Steve Feld to his own business success.
In this episode, Biz Coach, Steve Feld discusses the importance of hiring a business coach for your business, brand, or personal life and helps us recognize the common mistakes that small business owners make.
Steve is a Certified Business Coach, Speaker, award-winning Business Management Executive, and Author. Steve has dealt with over 300 businesses where he has implemented his coaching strategies to achieve positive growth results. Today, Biz Coach Steve focuses on 1-on-1 group coaching and an E-learning Academy to help businesses skyrocket their profits.
“ You're not in it by yourself. You can always get help, and if you ever need someone to talk to, reach out. Being an entrepreneur, you are on an island many times, and you just want someone to talk to. Get some help.”
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