Latest Episodes

How Local Public Relations Makes SMB Famous - The Pubcon Edition
If you are a local business and public relations is not part of your digital marketing strategy, think again. In this episode, Lisa Buyer...

21 Things for 2021 in a Digital World
Do you feel like certain people in 2020 rinsed right through and took a piece of you? Same. Let them have it. They needed...

The Clubhouse Playbook for Success by Dennis Yu
You should have heard of Clubhouse by now. While the brand new social media platform is still in beta testing, it’s already being talked...

Using Pop Culture to Create Superfans: Brianne Fleming
What do marketing and pop culture have in common? That’s what Brianne Fleming is trying to show the world! Being a fan herself, she...

Megan Foster: How to Pitch E-Commerce Editors
Affiliate promotion is everywhere. From talk shows to influencers and big-name publications, PR agencies cannot escape the phenomenon any longer. But how exactly should...

Paid Media vs SEO with Navah Hopkins
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay per Click (PPC) are both central to a successful PR strategy. But where should you start? What yields...