Will Detachment Set You Free? Lisa Buyer Talks About It

Episode 2 October 02, 2023 00:13:52
Will Detachment Set You Free? Lisa Buyer Talks About It
Social PR Secrets by Lisa Buyer
Will Detachment Set You Free? Lisa Buyer Talks About It

Oct 02 2023 | 00:13:52


Hosted By

Lisa Buyer

Show Notes

Welcome to another episode of Social PR Secrets with your host, Lisa Buyer. In this episode, Lisa explores the power of detaching from negative energy and attaching to positive energy in our personal and professional lives. Whether you're an entrepreneur, a social media professional, or simply managing your own social media, the struggle to let go of negative energy is real.

1. Have you ever struggled with detaching from negative energy and attaching to positive energy? How did you handle it?


2. What are some ways you can practice the law of detachment in your personal and professional life?


3. How do you feel about the idea of using art, such as painting, as a practice of detachment? Have you ever tried it?


4. Have you ever used journaling as a way to detach from negative thoughts and emotions? If so, did you find it helpful?


5. What are some boundaries you have set for yourself or others to maintain a positive mindset and detach from negativity?

Lisa Buyer's Introduction

Lisa starts the episode by discussing the importance of detachment and shares a thought-provoking quote: "By detaching from the outcome, you can be certain of its manifestation." She acknowledges the difficulty of not being attached to outcomes in the PR and marketing world, but emphasizes the need to practice detachment.

Digital Detox and Reset

Lisa reveals that she took a break from her podcast and work to reset and reinvent herself. She emphasizes the need to change direction and detach from habits that may be holding us back from happiness and growth. Lisa shares her personal journey and encourages listeners to consider detaching from negative outcomes and embracing change.

Grab a FREE copy of Lisa Buyer's Book Here

The Art of Detachment

Lisa discusses various practices she has adopted to detach from negative energy. One method she shares is the creative act of painting. Without overthinking, she encourages listeners to take a blank canvas and experiment with different colors and layers. Emphasizing the importance of creativity and productivity, Lisa explains how this practice can help relax the brain and stimulate positive energy.

Grab a FREE copy of Lisa Buyer's Book Here

Journaling for Detachment

Lisa introduces the practice of journaling as another effective tool for detaching from negative energy. She shares how she uses list-making as a form of journaling to sort out positive and negative energies in her life. By identifying the people, activities, and experiences that bring joy or negativity, listeners can gain clarity and detach from negative influences.

Setting Boundaries for Self-Care

Lisa urges listeners to set boundaries in their personal and professional lives. She emphasizes that setting boundaries is not about cutting people out of your life, but rather about prioritizing self-care and creating a positive environment. Lisa advises listeners to take time for themselves and establish healthy boundaries with family members and other close relationships.

Detaching from negative energy and attaching to positive energy is a practice that requires conscious effort. Lisa encourages listeners to embrace change, explore creative outlets, and prioritize self-care. By doing so, we can detach from negative outcomes and create a more positive and fulfilling life.

Grab a FREE copy of Lisa Buyer's Book Here

Tune in to this episode of Social PR Secrets for more insights on detaching from negative energy and attaching to positive energy in both your personal and professional life. Don't miss Lisa Buyer's secrets for embracing positivity.


Grab a FREE copy of Lisa Buyer's Book Here

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Episode Transcript

[00:00:11] Speaker A: Hi, and welcome to another episode of Social PR Secrets. My name is Lisa Byer, and I will be your host. And welcome to season three, episode two of Social PR secrets. And this episode I originally recorded for Digital Detox Secrets. And in case you didn't know, digital Detox Secrets is another book that I wrote and it's also another podcast. But the topic of detaching from negative energy and attaching to positive energy I thought was a good topic to share with Social PR secrets. Anybody that's in the social media PR marketing world, whether you're an entrepreneur, professional, or whether or not you're just managing your own social media from a personal standpoint, the struggle is real. And in this episode, I am going to be talking about the law of detachment. And I just wanted to read this quote just before we get into the episode. By detaching from the outcome, you can be certain of its manifestation. And in doing so, your desire becomes your choice. Your choice is your intention. It is your will to experience something. Choice transforms what could be into what is and dissolves doubt. So that practice I have been working really hard on, and a lot of that has to do with second guessing yourself. And when you're in the field of public relations and marketing and social media, it is hard not to be attached to outcomes. So with that, let's get started with this episode. [00:01:40] Speaker B: So what do we do in this digital world to detox and to balance ourselves? Well, I took a little break, in case you may or may not have noticed, a little over a year was the last time I released an episode. And in doing so, I've done a reset. I've done research. I did my own detox from my podcast and from work that I've been grinding out for decades to rediscover and reset and reinvent. But I wanted to share in this first episode something that I've been trying to get better at, and that is basically the law of detachment. And we get so attached to our professions, to our ways that we're doing things, our habits that all of a sudden we can't change. We think that we have to keep going in the same direction, and we really don't. And whether it's a marriage or whether it's your relationship or friendship or profession or what you're doing for your education, for your degree, for your major, you could always change direction. And especially if you're not happy, especially. So detaching from outcomes and detaching from what will happen if I do and what will happen if I don't. So I'm just going to share some of the things that I've been practicing and trying out to do, things like letting go of anger or blame that you might have to yourself or to the immediate family or friends. So some of the things that I've learned, and I've learned these from interviews that I've done with experts and just brilliant people that I love to surround myself with, people that are way smarter than me. But Whitney Freya, I took a course with her and then took her coaching, her Creatively fit coaching curriculum. But one of the things, and a lot of it in her curriculum involves painting. But you by no means have to be an artist, but looking at a piece of paper as a blank canvas or getting a blank canvas from an art store and just getting some paints and taking that blank canvas and just without even thinking coloring it or painting it however you want to do it. And maybe one day you paint it pink and the next day you're in the mood for yellow paint over the pink yellow, and the next day paint over the yellow blue, and the next day paint over the blue outlines of yellow squares and just keep layering and layering on top of that canvas. And you would be amazed at how it relaxes your brain and stimulates creativity and also stimulates productivity. But it also is the practice of detachment. I mean, you think of writing down a piece of paper or painting on a piece of canvas or anything new that you're going to do, you have to get a new canvas or get a new piece of paper when really you can just write over it. And that was an AHA moment for me when I started practicing detachment by painting over different designs and paintings on one canvas. [00:04:46] Speaker A: And after a year, you have 352. [00:04:50] Speaker B: Layers of your life on one canvas and imagine that energy that has come out of your body and gone into that canvas and vice versa come back to you. So one of the things that I did for my female disruptors event that I really loved was I took charcoal and I wrote on a piece that I wrote on a large canvas all the speakers names in black charcoal. And then after the event was over, I took pink and red and white and black and gray paint, and I just did all these swirling of just the different paints. And at the very end it's just a swirl, like it's covering up all of the names, but on top of it is a swirl that ends up in a heart. And so these are just ways that you can take these energies and collectively turn them into art or just turn them into recycled energy. Another thing that I just started doing, and I've read this and heard this a million times, I just actually never practice it. And so that is the practice of journaling. So this year has been, I don't know why, more toxic the last year, last year was more toxic than the year before. There's a lot of amazing positive things that have happened in my life and very fortunate. But there's also been the yin and the yang, the black and the white so without the black, you don't enjoy the white and the contrast as much. So just journaling out of your head is what I call it. And I started doing this at the beginning of the year. I had a little, some rough patches with some things that happened with one of my events and then also with one of my best friends. And I was just trying to get it out of my head and just get as much as possible just getting out of my brain, like thinking over things so much. So I just started making lists that could be the form of journaling. So I started creating lists, and lists can be a form of journaling. And for example, I made a list that was headed who are the people in my life that are making me the happiest, the next list, who in my life is bringing me negativity and bringing me down? And it really makes you kind of sort out the positive and the negative energies that you're getting in your life. It is not just about people. It's about what are your top ten things that you did, your top ten favorite things or your top five favorite things that you did in the past month or two, and what are the top five or ten things that brought you the most pain and brought you the most negative energy? Write those down. What are the top things that you want to do today or this week, and what really upset you over the past 30 days? So I just started journaling these and I say journaling, I really just started making lists. What do I fear the most? What am I most excited about? What do I love the most about my life? And just those little things each day really got them out of my head and got me into a better place. And that I'm going to call that detachment of getting the negativity and detaching from the negativity and attaching to the positivity. And so here's another one that I read and you've heard, I'm sure, many times, but looking at setting boundaries and setting boundaries for yourself, personally, setting boundaries for self care, setting boundaries for family members, even your closest family members sometimes can bring you the most negative energies. So setting those boundaries and that doesn't mean breading them out of your life or cutting them out, but you can't give yourselves at every second that somebody wants you. Every text message does not need to be answered. Put yourself on. Do not disturb. Put yourself on focus time and give yourself that grace of not having to be there every second just when somebody is reaching out. Another thing I just want to touch on is letting go of old ways and finding and discovering new ways to do things. And here we're talking about digital detox secrets. In my other life I have a book called Social Peer Secrets, and I've been a public relations social peer expert for over 20 years. And so that's why I wrote the book and the podcast Digital Detox Secrets because I was on the front lines very early of how digital can have a negative and positive impact on our personal and professional lives. We can't live with it and we can't live without it, or we can't live without it, and we have to learn how to live with it actually is a better way. And I'm talking about digital, and I really made it a point to spend a lot less time on my phone, spend a lot less time on social media, take apps off my phone, taking Facebook off of my phone got me back so many hours and so much more positive energy in my day. I am a meta certified trainer. I believe in Facebook. I believe in instagram. I believe in WhatsApp and messenger. To grow your business from a personal standpoint, we all had to set boundaries and discover new ways to entertain ourselves outside of our phones and outside of posting something or getting caught up in the scroll of our personal lives. And so those are just some of the ways that I practice Detach since I last recorded my test over a year, though. And I just want to also just let everyone know if you're interested in working with me, if you're interested in me being a business coach or a life coach, I would be happy to talk to you about that. I'm launching a course called Modern Peer Secrets and we're going to have a special announcement about that. So I would love for you to get on my email list. And anybody on my email list will get a special invitation to be part of some of my very special invitations and offerings that do cross over in between digital wellness and public relations and marketing. I talk about passionately about being an advocate for mental health and wellness, especially for young adults, and also being your own parent when it comes to navigating through digital and balancing your time and your energy and where you're giving your time and energy to. So with that, check out the Show Notes, check out my social media at Lisa Byer on Instagram, or connect with me on LinkedIn and you'll find a way to get on my email list, go to the Show Notes and just subscribe and you'll be notified of any offerings that I have coming up. But until next week, until our next topic of Digital Detox Secrets, I'm going to be spending time researching for you and sharing my experiences on how I try to balance my life and way far from perfect. [00:11:44] Speaker A: And with that, I want to end with a quote from one of my favorite authors and mentors, Deepak Chopra. Deepak says, Every time you are tempted to react in the same old way, ask if you want to be a prisoner of the past or a pioneer of the future. I want to be a pioneer of the future, and I definitely don't want to be a prisoner of the past. And I think that's why I took such an interest when I started venturing into the digital world when it comes to public relations. And I've been a pioneer in introducing innovation and technology into the PR strategy. And with that, we have to have balance and we always have to make sure we take care of ourselves with a digital detox. So today's topic was on The Law of Detachment, and please let me know how you like this episode. You can message me on Instagram or LinkedIn or you can email me [email protected]. Check out the show notes. We have links to all kinds of exclusive offerings that you will only get if you are part of my email list. So please join it at my website, thebiogroup.com Newsroom, or the Socialpr Secrets website or any of my social media accounts. You can go to the link in Bio and subscribe with that. Thank you so much and namaste. [00:13:08] Speaker C: Thank you for listening to this episode of Social PR Secrets. If you like what you heard, check out the book on Amazon or follow our [email protected]. This episode was sponsored by the Buyer Group, a social PR agency striving to keep our balance in the digital world, practicing public relations, social media and search marketing while occasionally drinking a glass of wine or two for the best creativity and results. Thank you all for tuning in. If you would like to get a free chapter of Social PR Secrets, go to Socialprsecrets.com Freedom.

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