Taylor Swift is the key to phenomenal copywriting! Is she the only one? No chance! Is she your specific brand voice? Maybe. Maybe not. From Alicia Keys and Lady Gaga to Aretha Franklin and Beyonce, there are a ton of Grammy award-winning superstars that can help YOU compose a melody that is true to your voice and personal brand!
Ashleigh Rennie, expert copywriter, brand voice specialist, and founder of The Story Team created a phenomenal quiz that offers insight into your brand voice. ‘Which Grammy-Winning Superstar is your business?’ shows you how to use your authentic voice to grow a client base that is genuinely interested in what you have to offer.
So, what is a brand voice anyway? Well, it helps your audience know exactly who you are, what you do, and how you can help them. It is what drives your target client to keep coming back for more!
In this exclusive episode of Lisa Buyer’s Social PR Secrets podcast, storytelling genius Ashleigh Rennie reveals all the copywriting secrets that she shares with her own clients. Her marketing strategy tips on how to craft engaging email subject lines, orchestrate social media copy, and design your own powerful quiz will make all your clients dance to the rocking tune that is your voice!
One attribute that host Lisa Buyer shares with this week’s guest is a fierce mindset, gallant demeanor, and female-empowering vibe! As female entrepreneurs, it’s not surprising that Lisa and Ashleigh would receive Beyonce as their brand voice and IT factor. But it doesn’t stop there!
Ashleigh’s quiz compiles your answers, formulates the results, and solidifies your branded voice with a helpful breakdown, including:
In the end, you must ask yourself: Is your authentic voice pulling through into your business’s branding? If the answer is a tentative yes or an immediate no, then it’s time to get jiggy and create a harmonious tune that tells a story to the beat of your drum.
Last night, I was surrounded by three men on a train.
This was the social media caption Ashleigh used that enticed people to keep reading. This goes to show that sometimes the most engaging content is one line, less than 15 words, and has no buzzwords surrounding it. Try it for yourself! Sum up a personal experience that you’d like to share, publish, and don’t look back!
Ashleigh says that putting out uncomfortable or unsettling content can be terrifying, but just remember this: Your experience has been endured by so many others. By sharing your story, not only does your reader know that they are not alone but it lets yourself know, too.
Lisa agreed that when she opened up about her own suicidal thoughts and entrepreneurial burnout on her solo Social PR Secrets episode, many listeners reached out expressing their gratitude for her authenticity. Episode 141 is Lisa’s most popular episode to date.
“I think I wrote a subject line the other day that said, ‘if you don't love this, I'll eat my face.’” -Ashleigh Rennie
Your brand voice tells your business’s story. But you’re not just telling it to anyone, you’re telling it to that ONE person. The ONE client that is passionate about your offerings and is looking to you for guidance.
Here are 3 copywriting secrets Ashleigh reveals:
The foundation of your business is YOU. Ashleigh and her team of copywriting experts get your clients as hyped about your brand as you are by:
Emulating your copywriting vision, voice, and branding through emails, websites, sales pages, email sequences, funnels...you name it!
Designing quizzes that grow your email list with quality subscribers that want to work with you. Hop on a 30-minute call with Ashleigh to discover your options!
Taking one hour to transform your OK text into attractive content that caters to your client base.
Creating captivating video content to reel your clients in and keep them coming back for more. If a picture can tell a thousand words, what do you think a video can do?
Words are powerful tools. They evoke emotion and persuasion. We can tell vibrant stories with words and cautionary tales, too. Ashleigh says that in any industry, you want to write delicious stories that whet the appetites of your readers, clients, and followers.
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